Fuelling Young Minds, One Recipe at a Time!


About Us

We're a team of five year 13 students, studying business at St Mary's College, Wellington. Our team is taking part in the Young Enterprise Scheme NZ, a national competition that gives students a platform to start up their own business and gain valuable experience. KidzKitz saw an issue: Over 1 in 3 Kiwi kids are currently facing issues relating to obesity. Studies show that the benefits of having kids in the kitchen from a young age are extensive. Children involved in the cooking process are more likely to eat across all the food groups, and more willing to try new foods. We are highly passionate about teaching kids the essential life skill of healthy cooking, to turn around the country's shocking statistics.

How it works:

Step 1: Receive your kit box!

Buy online via our website or social media. Pick up your kit from Wellington or contact us to arrange delivery. With each kit, you receive all the pre-measured ingredients required for the recipe, a finger cutting guard to keep safe in the kitchen, and an instruction card linking to our animated recipe.

Buy 2 Kits, Donate 1 to Local Schools!

For every two kits KidzKitz sells, we're pledging to donate one to a local school or after-school programme, since we believe every kid should have access to healthy cooking resources and education. Your purchase will help more kids across Wellington to: - Learn essential cooking skills through fun and interactive activities. - Understand the importance of nutrition and healthy eating habits. - Develop confidence and independence in the kitchen. - Enjoy a hands-on, educational experience that fosters creativity and teamwork. Together, we can empower the next generation with the knowledge and tools they need to lead healthier lives. Thank you for supporting KidzKitz!

Our Mission

Through our own experience in the New Zealand education system, we noticed a significant lack of resources teaching nutritional value in food, and the practical cooking skills needed to create homemade, healthier snacks. We recognise the importance of promoting healthy eating and cooking habits in kids at a young age and want to provide these missing resources to Kiwi kids. We want to get kids into the kitchen in a fun, interactive way. Teaching healthy eating habits is most effective when it is instilled in kids from a young age so that these habits can last them a lifetime. Busy parents struggle to find time to teach their kids to cook healthy homemade snacks, but kids want to be more involved in making food! Our kits give kids independence in the kitchen, with our easy-to-follow, interactive animated recipe, so it's a win-win for parents and kids alike.

Why Customers Love Us

What a great way to get young ones in the kitchen! Easy to follow, fun instructions. Delicious, healthy snack at the end. Great idea for gifts too.
What a great way to get young ones in the kitchen! Easy to follow, fun instructions. Delicious, healthy snack at the end. Great idea for gifts too.
Fantastic and very unique product! My niece loved rolling the bliss balls and even added her own little twist by making a snowman. 😅 I recommend this product to all children seeking a fun challenge with a rewarding outcome.
Trish Comeskey
Trish Comeskey
Fantastic and very unique product! My niece loved rolling the bliss balls and even added her own little twist by making a snowman. 😅 I recommend this product to all children seeking a fun challenge with a rewarding outcome.
My two children loved it and it kept them entertained. I wish my youngest child could do this more independently so I hope you introduce recipes with different skill levels in the future. Overall, I loved the way everything was packaged and the bliss balls were tasty!
Kash Desai
Kash Desai
My two children loved it and it kept them entertained. I wish my youngest child could do this more independently so I hope you introduce recipes with different skill levels in the future. Overall, I loved the way everything was packaged and the bliss balls were tasty!
An interactive and promising product. My children loved this and have been asking for more! I would love to see more introductions of different delicious recipes.
Pauline Whitney
Pauline Whitney
An interactive and promising product. My children loved this and have been asking for more! I would love to see more introductions of different delicious recipes.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us, via email or social media, to let us know any questions, concerns, or comments. To leave a review or give us feedback, please fill out the form below.